Kansai Automation

Kari-Finn Oy developed its first float switch back in 1965. Since then, we have designed, tested, and manufactured millions of float switches, for a wide variety of operating environments. Thanks to our research work and feedback from customers, we have been very successful in developing our product line.

Level Sensor, a measuring equipment for material's volume (powder, granule and liquid).

Level sensor is essential for every manufacturing process. As many facilities in the factory are proceeding to automation, level sensors play important roles in process management of manufacturing. We rank in top 3 manufacturer of level sensors in Japan.

We are proud to provide our custom made products for each customer's request.

We suggest and provide the most suitable level sensor to your application. In this industry, we are providing the biggest number of custom made products.

Level Switch
Kansai Automation

Rotary Level Switch is such a level switch that detects the object by seeing the paddle with or without rotation.

When the paddle rotation is restrained by sediments, it can sense the paddle being restrained and then convert the output contact to turn off the motor that had it rotate.

When there runs no object, the motor is supplied with powers, thus making the paddle re-rotate, and the output contact returns to the initial condition.


  • Rotary Paddle Types level Switch
  • Heat Resistant Type and Withstand Load Type can be available.
  • Internal structure being unitized, it can be replaced with the body staying fixed on a tank.
  • A clutching device comes equipped with as standard to protect the motor from excessive load to the paddle.
  • It can widely be accommodated to Apparent Specific Gravity if the appropriate paddle is selected

Vibration Level Switch

  • Available for objects with the low apparent specific gravity
  • Stainless Steel Integral Construction with no sealed part, being high pressure tightness
  • No complex sensitivity adjustment required

Capacitance Level Switch

  • Electrode shapes are varied.
  • Products of High-temperature, High-pressure and Withstand-load specifications can be manufactured.
  • The sensitivity compensation eliminates the effects of fouling and sediments.
  • Coated electrode of fluorocarbon resin makes it possible to detect highly corrosive substances.

Float Type Level Switch

  • A barrier diffusion completely separating between tank and switch unit, there will be no leakage.
  • The internal mechanism simply designed and unitized, the maintenance is easy.
  • A reed switch being used , it can securely fit to the use of 10 million times.

Level Switch for Powder

Level Switch for Liquid

Level Switch for Powder & Liquid

Float Switch

Kari-Finn Oy develops and manufactures KARI float switches, designed for the detection and control of waste water levels, liquids generated by industry, and liquids with varying degree of viscosity, in addition to liquids in wells, pump systems and tanks.

KARI electrode switches offer an alternative to float switches. In addition to serving as an alarm system for a predetermined liquid level, they are also suitable for use with various KARI sensors to determine the desired start and stop levels.

Why choose the KARI float switch?

  • A simple structure and reliable operation
  • Cost-efficiency
  • Several level switches in a single float
  • Easy-to-adjust switch operation levels
  • Suitability for demanding applications and the majority of liquids
  • A wide range of standard products, plus bespoke solutions
  • Various cable options, available for a wide variety of applications and liquids
  • Cable lengths tailored to meet the client’s specific needs
  • Easy installation
  • An environmentally friendly solution without mercury or lead