Laser scanners from Micro-Epsilon are among the highest performing 2D laser profile sensors in the world with respect to accuracy and measuring rate. They detect, measure and evaluate profiles on different object surfaces without contact. The available models are suitable for numerous industrial applications.
Measured Value
Profile, width, height, depth, edge, groove, bead, gap, angle, roundness, presence, flatness, deformation, flushness etc.

Various possibilities for data transmission
The sensors can be easily integrated into an existing customer software either via the available SDKs or the GigE Vision Standard which all scanCONTROL sensors meet (integration into image processing software). The sensors of the scanCONTROL SMART classes can directly transfer the measured values to the control systems using the following interfaces:
- Ethernet (UDP or Modbus TCP)
- RS422 (ASCII or Modbus RTU)
- Analog, digital switching signals (with scanCONTROL Output Unit)
- Profinet, Ethernet/IP, EtherCAT (with scanCONTROL Gateway)

Red laser scanner and patented blue laser scanner
Laser scanners from Micro-Epsilon are available with a red laser diode or with the patented Blue Laser Technology. Impressing by high signal stability, Blue Laser scanners are preferably used for profile measurements on red-hot glowing metals, as well as transparent and organic surfaces. While allowing higher stability, the blue-violet laser beam does not penetrate the measurement object.
Measurement tasks involving blue laser scanners measuring on red-hot glowing measurement objects exceeding 700 °C and transparent objects such as glass and plastics are protected by patent law. The scanCONTROL laser scanners achieve excellent signal stability and thus precise measurement results on these surfaces.

How do laser scanners work and where are they used? This video explains how to operate high-precision scanners from Micro-Epsilon and how to use them in 2D profile measurements and 3D inspection tasks. Application examples show the difference between red laser scanners and blue laser scanners.